Andreagiovanni Reina
Research Group Leader, Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour, Konstanz, Germany

M. Dorigo, A. Pacheco, A. Reina, and V. Strobel. Blockchain technology for mobile multi-robot systems. Nature Reviews Electrical Engineering 1:264-274, 2024. Journal article BibTeX
J.A.R. Marshall and A. Reina. On aims and methods of collective animal behaviour. Animal Behaviour 210: 189-197, 2024. Journal article BibTeX (2021 Impact Factor: 3.039)
L. Bono Rosselló, M. Alkilabi, E. Tuci, H. Bersini, A. Reina. Emergent Orchestras: A Modular Framework for Musical Robot Swarms. In Proceedings of ALIFE 2024: The 2024 Conference on Artificial Life, in press. MIT Press, 2024. Conference proceedings BibTeX
A. Pacheco, S. De Vos, A. Reina, M. Dorigo, and V. Strobel. Securing Federated Learning in Robot Swarms using Blockchain Technology. Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems (DARS 2024): The 17th International Symposium. SPAR in press, Springer, Cham, 2025. Conference proceedings BibTeX
A. Reina, T. Njougouo, E. Tuci, T. Carletti. Speed-accuracy trade-offs in best-of-n collective decision making through heterogeneous mean-field modeling. Physical Review E 109(5): 054307, 2024. Journal article BibTeX (2023 Impact Factor: 2.2)
N. Antonic, R. Zakir, M. Dorigo, and A. Reina. Collective robustness of heterogeneous decision-makers against stubborn individuals. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2024), 68-77, IFAAMAS, Richland, SC, 2024. Conference proceedings BibTeX (Acceptance Rate 20%)
J. Kuckling, R. Luckey, V. Avrutin, A. Vardy, A. Reina, H. Hamann. Do We Run Large-scale Multi-Robot Systems on the Edge? More Evidence for Two-Phase Performance in System Size Scaling. Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2024) 4562-4568, IEEE, 2024. Conference proceedings BibTeX (Acceptance Rate 44.7%)
* * * Best Paper Award * * *
R. Zakir, M. Dorigo, A. Reina. Miscommunication between robots can improve group accuracy in best-of-n decision-making. Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2024) in press, IEEE, 2024. Conference proceedings BibTeX
R. Zakir, M. Salahshour, M. Dorigo, A. Reina. Heterogeneity Can Enhance the Adaptivity of Robot Swarms to Dynamic Environments. In Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ANTS), LNCS 14987: in press. Springer, Cham, 2024. Conference proceedings BibTeX (Acceptance Rate 42%)
S. Agrawal, J. Jhawar, A. Reina, S.P. Baliyarasimhuni, H. Hamann, L. Li. Impact of Individual Defection on Collective Motion. In Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ANTS), LNCS 14987: in press. Springer, Cham, 2024. Conference proceedings BibTeX (Acceptance Rate 42%)
A. Moroncelli, A. Pacheco, V. Strobel, P.-Y. Lajoie, M. Dorigo, A. Reina. Byzantine Fault Detection in Swarm-SLAM using Blockchain and Geometric Constraints. In Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ANTS), LNCS 14987: in press. Springer, Cham, 2024. Conference proceedings BibTeX (Acceptance Rate 42%)
F. Oddi, A. Reina, V. Trianni. Minimalist Protocols for Quorum Sensing in Robot Swarms. In Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ANTS), LNCS 14987: in press. Springer, Cham, 2024. Conference proceedings BibTeX (Acceptance Rate 42%)
L. Van Calck, A. Pacheco, V. Strobel, M. Dorigo, and A. Reina. A blockchain-based information market to incentivise cooperation in swarms of self-interested robots. Scientific Reports13: 20417, 2023. Journal article BibTeX (2022 Impact Factor: 4.6)
A. Reina, R. Zakir, G. De Masi, E. Ferrante. Cross-inhibition leads to group consensus despite the presence of strongly opinionated minorities and asocial behaviour. Communications Physics 6: 236, 2023. Journal article BibTeX (2021 Impact Factor: 6.497)
Online video:
F. Pratissoli, A. Reina, Y. Kaszubowski Lopes, C. Pinciroli, G. Miyauchi, L. Sabattini, Roderich Groß. Coherent movement of error-prone individuals through mechanical coupling. Nature Communications 14: 4063, 2023. Journal article BibTeX (2021 Impact Factor: 17.7)
Online video:
L. Feola, A. Reina, M. S. Talamali, V. Trianni. Multi-Swarm Interaction through Augmented Reality for Kilobots. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 8(11): 6907-6914, 2023. Journal article BibTeX (2022 Impact Factor: 4.321)
Online videos: and
This work will be also included in the conference proceedings of ICRA 2024 —the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation— Yokohama, Japan (Acceptance Rate about 45%)
A. Reina, T. Bose, V. Srivastava, J.A.R. Marshall. Asynchrony rescues statistically-optimal group decisions from information cascades through emergent leaders. Royal Society Open Science 10: 230175, 2023. Journal article BibTeX (2021 Impact Factor: 3.653)
The article has also been presented at NetSci 2019.
H. Zhao, A. Pacheco, V. Strobel, A. Reina, X. Liu, G. Dudek, M. Dorigo. A Generic Framework for Byzantine-tolerant Consensus Achievement in Robot Swarms. Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2023) 8839-8846, IEEE, 2023. Conference proceedings BibTeX (Acceptance Rate 43%)
M. Pluhacek, S. Garnier, A. Reina. Decentralised construction of a global coordinate system in a large swarm of minimalistic robots. arXiv.2302.14587, 2023. Preprint BibTeX
L. Feola, A. Sion, A. Reina, V. Trianni, E. Tuci. Aggregation through adaptive random walks in a minimalist robot swarm. In Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2023), in press, ACM Press, 2023. Conference proceedings BibTeX (Acceptance Rate 35.1)
T. Njougouo, T. Carletti, A. Reina, E. Tuci. Heterogeneous mean-field analysis of best-of-n decision making in networks with zealots. In Proceedings of the XVII International Workshop on Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation (WIVACE 2023), CCIS vol. in press, Springer, 2023. Conference proceedings BibTeX
A. Reina, J.A.R. Marshall. Negative feedback may suppress variation to improve collective foraging performance. PLoS Computational Biology 18(5): e1010090, 2022. Journal article BibTeX (2020 Impact Factor: 4.475)
The article has also been presented at Animal Behaviour Live 2020 and SIAM Life Sciences 2020.
A. Pirrone, A. Reina, T. Stafford, J.A.R. Marshall, F. Gobet. Magnitude-sensitivity: rethinking decision-making. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 26(1):66-80, 2022. Journal article BibTeX (2020 Impact Factor: 15.218)
The article was selected to appear on the front cover of Trends in Cognitive Sciences, displaying artwork by A. Reina.
J.A.R. Marshall, A. Reina, C. Hay, A. Dussutour, A. Pirrone. Magnitude-sensitive reaction times reveal non-linear time costs in multi-alternative decision-making. PLoS Computational Biology, 18(10): e1010523, 2022. Journal article BibTeX (2020 Impact Factor: 4.475)
H. Hamann, A. Reina. Scalability in Computing and Robotics. IEEE Transactions on Computers 76(6):1453-1465, 2022. Journal article BibTeX (2019 Impact Factor: 3.131)
R. Zakir, M. Dorigo, A. Reina. Robot Swarms Break Decision Deadlocks in Collective Perception through Cross-inhibition. In Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ANTS), LNCS 13491: 209-221. Springer, Cham, 2022. Conference proceedings BibTeX (Acceptance Rate 42%)
T. Aust, M.S. Talamali, M. Dorigo, H. Hamann, A. Reina. The hidden benefits of limited communication and slow sensing in collective monitoring of dynamic environments. In Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ANTS), LNCS 13491: 234-247. Springer, Cham, 2022. Conference proceedings BibTeX (Acceptance Rate 42%)
A. Pacheco, V. Strobel, A. Reina, and M. Dorigo. Real-time coordination of a foraging robot swarm using blockchain smart contracts. In Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ANTS), LNCS 13491: 196-208. Springer, Cham, 2022. Conference proceedings BibTeX (Acceptance Rate 42%)
A. Sion, A. Reina, M. Birattari, E. Tuci. Controlling robot swarm aggregation through a minority of informed robots. In Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ANTS), LNCS 13491: 91-103. Springer, Cham, 2022. Conference proceedings BibTeX (Acceptance Rate 42%)
S. Agrawal, S.P. Baliyarasimhuni, and A. Reina. Response Threshold Distributions to Improve Best-of-n Decisions in Minimalistic Robot Swarms. In Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ANTS), LNCS 13491: 350-359. Springer, Cham, 2022. Conference proceedings BibTeX (Acceptance Rate 73%)
A. Sion, A. Reina, M. Birattari, E. Tuci. Impact of the update time on the aggregation of robotic swarms through informed robots. In Proceedings of From Animals to Animats 16: The 16th International Conference on the Simulation of Adaptive Behavior (SAB2022), LNAI 13499: 193-204. Springer, Cham, 2022. Conference proceedings BibTeX (Acceptance Rate N/A)
R. Miletitch, A. Reina, M. Dorigo, V. Trianni. Emergent naming conventions in a foraging robot swarm. Swarm Intelligence 16(3):211-232, 2022. Journal article BibTeX (2021 Impact Factor: 3.727)
M.S. Talamali, A. Saha, J.A.R. Marshall, A. Reina. When less is more: Robot swarms adapt better to changes with constrained communication. Science Robotics 6(56): eabf1416, 2021. Journal article BibTeX (2021 Impact Factor: 23.748)
Online video:
This study has also been discussed in commentaries published in The Conversation and in PNAS Journal Club, among others.
Part of this work has also been presented at NetSci 2020 (online).
A. Pirrone, A. Reina, F. Gobet. Input-dependent noise can explain magnitude-sensitivity in optimal value-based decision-making. Judgment and Decision Making 16(5):1221-1333, 2021. Journal article BibTeX (2021 Impact Factor: 2.163)
A. Reina, E. Ferrante, G. Valentini. Collective decision-making in living and artificial systems: editorial. Swarm Intelligence 15(1-2): 1-6, 2021. Edited volume BibTeX
A. Saha, J.A.R. Marshall, A. Reina. Memory and communication efficient algorithm for decentralized counting of nodes in networks. PLoS One 16(11): e0259736, 2021. Journal article BibTeX (2020 Impact Factor: 3.24)
A. Reina. Robot teams stay safe with blockchains. Nature Machine Intelligence 2:240--241, 2020. Journal article BibTeX
M.S. Talamali, T. Bose, M. Haire, X. Xu, J.A.R. Marshall, A. Reina. Sophisticated Collective Foraging with Minimalist Agents: A Swarm Robotics Test. Swarm Intelligence 14(1):25-56, 2020. Journal article BibTeX (2018 Impact Factor: 2.208)
Online videos:
T. Bose, A. Pirrone, A. Reina, J.A.R. Marshall. Comparison of magnitude-sensitive sequential sampling models in a simulation-based study. Journal of Mathematical Psychology 94: 102298, 2020. Journal article BibTeX (2018 Impact Factor: 3.022)
H. Hamann, T. Aust, and A. Reina. Guerrilla Performance Analysis for Robot Swarms: Degrees of Collaboration and Chains of Interference Events. In Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ANTS), LNCS 12421: 134-147. Springer, Cham, 2020. Conference proceedings BibTeX (Acceptance Rate 40%)
T. Bose, F. Bottom, A. Reina, J.A.R. Marshall. Frequency-sensitivity and magnitude-sensitivity in decision-making: a computational study. Computational Brain & Behavior 3: 66-85, 2020. Journal article BibTeX (Impact Factor: N/A)
J.A.R. Marshall, A. Reina, T. Bose. Multiscale Modelling Tool: Mathematical Modelling of Collective Behaviour without the Maths. PLoS ONE 14(9): e0222906, 2019. Journal article BibTeX (2018 Impact Factor: 2.776)
Try our open-source software:
I. Rausch, A. Reina, P. Simoens, Y. Khaluf. Coherent collective behaviour emerging from decentralised balancing of social feedback and noise. Swarm Intelligence 13(3-4): 321-345, 2019. Journal article BibTeX (2018 Impact Factor: 2.208)
M.S. Talamali, J.A.R. Marshall, T. Bose, A. Reina. Improving collective decision accuracy via time-varying cross-inhibition. Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2019) 9652-9659, IEEE, 2019. Conference proceedings BibTeX (Acceptance Rate 44%)
F. Canciani, M.S. Talamali, J.A.R. Marshall, A. Reina. Keep calm and vote on: Swarm resiliency in collective decision making. Proceedings of the Workshop Resilient Robot Teams of ICRA 2019. Workshop BibTeX
F. Pratissoli, A. Reina, Y. Kaszubowski Lopes, L. Sabattini, R. Gross. A Soft-Bodied Modular Reconfigurable Robotic System Composed of Interconnected Kilobots. accepted at MRS 2019—the 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Multi-Robot and Multi-Agent Systems; pages 50-52, IEEE 2019. Conference proceedings BibTeX (Acceptance Rate 69%)
A. Reina, V. Ioannou, J. Chen, L. Lu, C. Kent, J.A.R. Marshall. Robots as Actors in a Film: No War, A Robot Story. arXiv:1910.12294, 2019. Preprint BibTeX
T. Bose, A. Reina, and J.A.R. Marshall. Inhibition and excitation shape activity selection: effect of oscillations in a decision-making circuit. Neural Computation 31(5): 870-896, 2019. Journal article BibTeX (2017 Impact Factor: 1.651)
M. Dorigo, M. Birattari, C. Blum, A.L. Christensen, A. Reina, V. Trianni. ANTS 2018 special issue: Editorial. Swarm Intelligence 13: 169-172, 2019. Edited volume
A. Reina, T. Bose, V. Trianni, J.A.R. Marshall. Psychophysical Laws and the Superorganism. Scientific Reports 8(1):4387, 2018. Journal article BibTeX (2016 Impact Factor: 4.259)
A summary of this work has been also presented at the international conference SWARM 2017 (Kyoto, Japan), the ICTP Conference on Collective Behaviour (Trieste, Italy), and the ECMTB 2018 (Lisbon, Portugal).
M. Dorigo, M. Birattari, C. Blum, A.L. Christensen, A. Reina, V. Trianni (Eds.). Swarm Intelligence, 11th International Conference, ANTS 2018, LNCS 11172, Springer, Cham, Switzerland. Edited volume
A. Font Llenas, M.S. Talamali, X. Xu, J.A.R. Marshall, and A. Reina. Quality-sensitive foraging by a robot swarm through virtual pheromone trails. In Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ANTS), LNCS 11172: 135--149. Springer, Cham, 2018. Conference proceedings BibTeX (Acceptance Rate 34.8%)
Online videos:
* * * Best Paper Award * * *
C. Pinciroli, M.S. Talamali, A. Reina, J.A.R. Marshall and V.Trianni. Simulating Kilobots within ARGoS: models and experimental validation. In Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ANTS), LNCS 11172: 176-187. Springer, Cham, 2018. Conference proceedings BibTeX (Acceptance Rate 34.8%)
Open source code:
A. Reina, A.J. Cope, E. Nikolaidis, J.A.R. Marshall, C. Sabo. ARK: Augmented Reality for Kilobots. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 2(3): 1755-1761, 2017. Journal article BibTeX (Impact Factor: N/A)
Online video:
This work will be also included in the conference proceedings of IROS 2017 —the 2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems— Vancouver, Canada (Acceptance Rate 45%)
A. Reina, J.A.R. Marshall, V. Trianni, T. Bose. Model of the best-of-N nest-site selection process in honeybees. Physical Review E, 95(5): 052411, 2017. Journal article BibTeX (2014 Impact Factor: 2.288)
The article has been selected as Editors' Suggestion and included in the Research Highlights of Nature Physics.
This study has been presented in the conference Mathematical Models in Ecology and Evolution (MMEE 2017) and the 16th International Behavioral Ecology Congress (ISBE 2016).
Y. Khaluf, C. Markarian, P. Simoens, A. Reina. Scheduling Access to Shared Space in Multi-Robot Systems. In Advances in Practical Applications of Cyber-Physical Multi-Agent Systems: The PAAMS Collection. PAAMS 2017. LNCS 10349: 144-156, Springer, Cham, 2017. Conference proceedings BibTeX
T. Bose, A. Reina, J.A.R. Marshall. Collective Decision-Making. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 16:30-34, 2017. Journal article BibTeX (Impact Factor: N/A)
E. Nikolaidis, C. Sabo, J. A. R. Marshall, and A. Reina, Characterisation and upgrade of the communication between overhead controllers and Kilobots, Figshare, The University of Sheffield, May 2017. Technical report BibTeX
A. Reina, T. Bose, V. Trianni, J.A.R. Marshall. Effects of Spatiality on Value-Sensitive Decisions Made by Robot Swarms. In Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems (DARS 2016): The 13th International Symposium. Springer Proceedings in Advanced Robotics, vol 6, pages 461-473, Springer, Cham, 2018. Conference proceedings BibTeX (Acceptance Rate 39%)
Online video:
V. Trianni, D. De Simone, A. Reina, A. Baronchelli. Emergence of Consensus in a Multi-Robot Network: from Abstract Models to Empirical Validation. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 1(1): 348-353, 2016. Journal article BibTeX (Impact Factor: N/A)
Online video:
This work has been also included in the conference proceedings of ICRA 2016 —the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation— (Acceptance Rate 34.7%)
A. Reina, J.A.R. Marshall, T. Bose. Swarm deadlock for symmetric choices over three or more options. The 14th International Conference on the Simulation of Adaptive Behavior (SAB 2016), 2 pages. Conference proceedings BibTeX
A. Reina. Engineering swarm systems: A design pattern for the best-of-n decision problem, PhD Thesis, IRIDIA, Ecole Polytechnique de Bruxelles, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, 2016. Thesis BibTeX
A. Reina, J.A.R. Marshall, V. Trianni, T. Bose. A model of the honeybee best-of-N nest-site selection process. Oral presentation at the 16th congress of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology (ISBE 2016). 28th July - 2nd August, 2016, Exeter, UK. Conference
T. Bose, A. Reina, J.A.R. Marshall. Dual role of inhibition: deadlock-breaking and dithering in activity selection. Oral presentation at the 16th congress of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology (ISBE 2016). 28th July - 2nd August, 2016, Exeter, UK. Conference
A. Reina, G. Valentini, C. Fernández-Oto, M. Dorigo and V. Trianni. A design pattern for decentralised decision making. PLoS ONE 10(10): e0140950, 2015. Journal article BibTeX (2014 Impact Factor: 3.234)
A. Reina, R. Miletitch, M. Dorigo and V. Trianni. A quantitative micro-macro link for collective decision: the shortest path discovery/selection example. Swarm Intelligence, 9(2-3):75-102, 2015. Journal article BibTeX (2014 Impact Factor: 2.160)
A. Reina, M. Salvaro, G. Francesca, L. Garattoni, C. Pinciroli, M. Dorigo and M. Birattari. Augmented reality for robots: virtual sensing technology applied to a swarm of e-pucks. In Proceedings of the IEEE 2015 NASA/ESA Conference of Adaptive Hardware and Systems (AHS). IEEE Press, ID:sB_p3, 6 pages, 2015. Conference proceedings BibTeX (Acceptance Rate 44%)
G. Francesca, M. Brambilla, A. Brutschy, L. Garattoni, R. Miletitch, G. Podevijn, A. Reina, T. Soleymani, M. Salvaro, C. Pinciroli, F. Mascia, V. Trianni and M. Birattari. AutoMoDe-Chocolate: automatic design of control software for robot swarms. Swarm Intelligence, 9(2-3):125-152, 2015. Journal article BibTeX (2014 Impact Factor: 2.160)
A. Reina, L. M. Gambardella, M. Dorigo and G. A. Di Caro. zePPeLIN: Distributed Path Planning Using an Overhead Camera Network. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 11:119, 2014. Journal article BibTeX (2012 Impact Factor: 0.821)
A. Reina and V. Trianni. Deployment and redeployment of wireless sensor networks: a swarm robotics perspective. In N. Mitton and D. Simplot-Ryl, editors, Wireless Sensor and Robot Networks, pages 143-162. World Scientific, Singapore, 2014. Book chapter BibTeX
A. Reina, M. Dorigo and V. Trianni. Towards a Cognitive Design Pattern for Collective Decision-Making. In Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ANTS), LNCS 8667, pages 194-205. Springer, Berlin, Germany, 2014. Conference proceedings BibTeX (Acceptance Rate 30.9%)
G. Francesca, M. Brambilla, A. Brutschy, L. Garattoni, R. Miletitch, G. Podevijn, A. Reina, T. Soleymani, M. Salvaro, C. Pinciroli, V. Trianni and M. Birattari. An Experiment in Automatic Design of Robot Swarms: AutoMoDe-Vanilla, EvoStick, and Human Experts. In Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ANTS), LNCS 8667, pages 25-37. Springer, Berlin, Germany, 2014. Conference proceedings BibTeX (Acceptance Rate 30.9%)
A. Reina, M. Dorigo, and V. Trianni. Collective decision making in distributed systems inspired by honeybees behaviour. In Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), pages 1421-1422. IFAAMAS, Richland, SC, 2014. Conference proceedings BibTeX (Acceptance Rate 46.3%)
A. Stranieri, A.E. Turgut, M. Salvaro, G. Francesca, A. Reina, M. Dorigo, M. Birattari. IRIDIA's Arena Tracking System. Technical Report TR/IRIDIA/2011-020, IRIDIA, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium, 2013 (r003 July 2014). Technical report BibTeX
A. Reina. A network of ceiling cameras performs distributed path planning to guide a ground robot, Report of Research Progess,Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, 2012. Thesis BibTeX
A. Reina, G. A. Di Caro, F. Ducatelle and L. M. Gambardella. Distributed motion planning for ground objects using a network of robotic ceiling cameras. Proceedings of the 12th Conference Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems (TAROS), Sheffield, UK, August 31 - September 2, 2011. Conference proceedings BibTeX (Acceptance Rate 43%)
A. Reina, C. Pinciroli , E. Ferrante, A. E. Turgut, R. O'Grady, M. Birattari, and M. Dorigo. Closed-loop aerial robot-assisted navigation of a cohesive ground- based robot swarm. Technical Report TR/IRIDIA/2011-020, IRIDIA, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium, 2011. Preprint BibTeX
A. Reina. Swarms of flying robots performing distributed path planning for objects on the ground (in Italian), MSc Thesis in Computer Science Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Department of Electronics and Information, Italy, 2010. Thesis BibTeX
A. Reina, G. A. Di Caro, F. Ducatelle and L. M. Gambardella. A distributed approach to holonomic path planning. Proceedings of the Workshop on Motion Planning: From Theory to Practice, at Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS), pages 33-34, Zaragoza, Spain, June 27, 2010. Workshop BibTeX
Co-supervised PhD Theses
M.S. Talamali. Simple individual behavioural rules for improving the collective behaviours of robot swarms. Ph.D. Thesis in Computer Science, University of Sheffield, UK, 2021.
Supervisors: J.A.R. Marshall and A. Reina
A.E. Encarnacion Segura. Cellular decision-making models in yeast. Ph.D. Thesis in Computer Science, University of Sheffield, UK, 2021.
Supervisors: J.A.R. Marshall, T. Bose, A. Reina
Co-supervised MSc Theses
A. Moroncelli. Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Swarm-SLAM through Blockchain-based Smart Contracts. M.Sc. Thesis in Automation and Control Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, 2023.
F. Cerri. Reputation management in open robot swarms through crypto-economy. M.Sc. Thesis in Automation Engineering, Università di Bologna, Italy, 2023.
N. Antonic. Collective resilience of heterogeneous decision makers against stubborn individuals. M.Sc. Thesis in Computer Science Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, 2023.
S. De Vos. Federated learning in swarm robotics using blockchain smart contracts. M.Sc. Thesis in Computer Science Engineering, École Polytechnique de Brussels, Belgium, 2023.
T. Aust. Collective Adaptation and Symmetry Breaking to Environmental Changes in a Swarm of Kilobots Monitoring a Dynamic Environment. M.Sc. Thesis in Robotics and Autonomous Systems, University of Luebeck, Germany, 2022.
L. Van Calck. An Information Market for Social Navigation in Robots. M.Sc. Thesis in Computer Science Engineering, École Polytechnique de Brussels, Belgium, 2022.
A. Bertoux. Swarm resiliency against non-cooperative agents in collective decision-making: A computational study on different networks. M.Sc. Thesis in Computer Science Engineering, École Polytechnique de Brussels, Belgium, 2022.
F. Canciani. Swarm Resiliency in Collective Decision-Making. M.Sc. Thesis in Computer Science Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, 2019.
F. Pratissoli. The Kilobot Soft Robot: A Soft-Bodied Modular Reconfigurable Robotic System. M.Sc. Thesis in Mechatronics Engineering, Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy, 2019. 110 cum laude
A. Font Llenas. Value-sensitive decisions through pheromone trails. M.Sc. Thesis in Automation, Control and Robotics, Sheffield Hallam University, 2018. Awarded as the Best MSc Student of the year
E. Nikolaidis. Creation of an overhead controller for the Kilobots and collective behavior. Bachelor thesis in School of Technological Applications, Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece, 2017.
S. Talamali. An automatic calibration system for the kilobot robots. M.Sc. Thesis in Automation, Control and Robotics, Sheffield Hallam University, 2017. Awarded as the Best MSc Student of the year
D. Brambilla. Environment Classification: an Empirical Study of the Response of a Robot Swarm to Three Different Decision-Making Rules, M.Sc. Thesis in Computer Science Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, 2015.
A. Debruyn. Human-Swarm Interaction: An Escorting Robot Swarm that Diverts a Human away from Dangers one cannot perceive, M.Sc. Thesis in Computer Science Engineering, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, 2015.
M. Salvaro. Virtual sensing technology applied to a swarm of autonomous robots.MSc Thesis in Computer Science Engineering, Università di Bologna, Italy, 2015.
B. Mayeur. A tool for automatic robot placement in swarm robotics experiments. MSc Thesis in Information Technology, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium, 2014. (in French)
J. De Stefani. Spatial Allocation in Swarm Robotics. MSc Thesis in Computer Science Engineering (Project TIME for double degree), Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium, 2013.
Andreagiovanni Reina - Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour, Konstanz, Germany Design support from B4Y